858th BS
Biesiot Crew

Status: To date (110528) this crew is known only from Special Orders #26 dtd 05Feb45. They were placed on DS to Station 376 (Watton)along with the Estrach crew. As seen on the orders mentioned above, the crew was short a Bombardier.


Robert M.    Biesiot  - Pilot           ASN 0777090
James H.     Wilkins  - Copilot         ASN 0928984
Stephen J.   Madden   - Navigator       ASN 0702467

William C.   Brown    - Engineer        ASN 35912753
Hilton W.    Buzard   - Gunner          ASN 33682409
William C.   Gray     - Gunner          ASN 16189260
Joseph R.    Messina  - R.O.            ASN 13186691
Mansville P. Olson    - Gunner          ASN 37572369
Gus L.       Schott   - Gunner          ASN 38564471

ASNs so-colored for EMs link to their NARA Enlistment Records.

Downloadable Data Sources:
Biesiot Crew Personnel Files

"Carpetbaggers" by Parnell
"They Flew by Night" editor Robert Fish

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