<%@ Language=JavaScript %> 850th BS - Carscaddon's 1st Crew

850th/857th BSs
Carscaddon Crew (1st crew)

After departing from Harrington on the evening of the 4th of July 1944, the crew encountered a German night fighter just over the coast of France. In the ensuing confusion and apparent impending loss of the ship, the bailout order was given, and six men jumped, but Hasty had no parachute and Carscaddon, regaining some control of the ship while Hasty put out fires, managed to return to the UK, though the plane crash landed at Ford Field, Sussex and was a total loss. Otis Murphy became an evader and returned to the UK in the fall of 1944. Joseph Denaro, Paul Stralka, William Granbery, and Laurie Salo were evaders for a short time but were turned in by collaborators masquerading as resistance escape helpers - they were all interned in the Buchenwald death camp of the Nazis.  Charles Cernik was captured upon landing and spent the rest of the war in Stalag Luft #4, where at least fourteen other Carpetbaggers were also interned.  Oliver Carscaddon received a Silver Star in September of 1944 from General Doolittle for his actions of 4/5 July 1944. Carscaddon remained in the Air Force after the war and was killed in a target-towing accident in 1955.

After recuperating from minor injuries incurred in the crash-landing, Carscaddon again flew for the Group, his first mission after the incident was on 6/7 Aug '44 with Deputy Commander Robert Fish as Pilot.  Following that mission he flew seven more missions in August, but by the end of September had only flown 17 missions total, not enough to keep him from staying on to finish a tour. During the bombing period of early 1945, he was again shot up by enemy aircraft, with wounded on board, but again survived to land on friendly territory.

Picture credit:
Charles E. Cernik

Back Row, L-R:
Oliver C.   Carscaddon, Jr.     - Pilot        ASN 0811011
Otis W.     Murphy              - Co-Pilot 
    ASN 0816549  (Evader)
William L.  Granbery, III       - Bombardier   ASN 0698953  (
Seymour     Gleichenhaus        - Navigator    Dropped from crew prior to UK.

Front Row, L-R:

Paul A.     Stralka, Jr.        - Gunner       ASN 36811023 (
Laurie A.   Salo                - Gunner       ASN 37160591 (
Franklin J. Hasty               - Gunner       ASN 17070628 (WIA
William R.  Turner              - Engineer     ASN 17169691 (
Charles E.  Cernik              - R.O.         ASN 38414940 (

At Harrington, Hasty became the Engineer and Salo the Dispatcher. Carscaddon had flown only four combat missions before the incident.

Not in the picture:
Joseph C.  Denaro               - Navigator    ASN 0703963  (
Nelma R.   Wood                 - Gunner       ASN 38370209 (

ASNs so-colored for EMs link to their NARA Enlistment Records.

After the war Stralka was frequenty invited to lecture on his experiences while in Buchenwald. There are three newspaper articles available a zipfile. A second crew picture (below) of Carscaddon's Mountain Home crew was taken and showed up in the Stralka collection - names and faces have not been matched.

A casual picture of Oliver Carscaddon (below) was found in the Robert M. Johnson (Darby crewmember) collection.

Combat Period: May-Jul 1944, on into 1945 for Carscaddon and Hasty. Carscaddon's later crews were made up of orphans, and incoming airmen. Originally a 490th BG crew, arrived at Harrington at the end of May 1944.

Crash Aircraft: B24-D 42-95170  "Hell and Back"

The aircraft was salvaged in situ at Ford Field, 19-20 July 1944.

Leaflets dispersed:


USF-131 Voir No.9
USF-133 L'Amerique en Guerre

Additional data sources:
MACR 6774

Carscaddon Crew Personnel Files

Group-Related Downloads:
801st/492nd Personnel Mission Report Index(Jan-Sep44)
AAFRH-21 "AAF Aid to European Resistance"
"Carpetbaggers" by Parnell
"They Flew by Night" editor Robert Fish
Serial Number Index of B24s
Station 179 Operations Log
(handwritten Apr44-Jul45)
Station 179 Operations Log (transcribed Sep44-Jul45)

Available on Request:
Group Mission Reports Jan-Sep44 (
On disk $12ea - $10ea via Paypal)
"Chronology of SOE Operations with the Resistance In France During WWII" by Foot & Boxhall
"Spies,Supplies & Moonlit Skies Vols 1&2" by Ensminger
(On disk $12ea - $10ea via Paypal)

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