856th BS
Junk Crew

A picture would be most appreciated!

Status: To date (111028) this crew is known only from Special Orders #192, dtd 25Oct44 (missing the last page). They were placed on DS to Station 376 (Watton)along with a number of other crews in late September of 1944 through February of 1945.


Virgil S.    Junk        - Pilot           ASN 0512489
Milton R.    Madsen      - Copilot         ASN 0778522
Lewis J.     Schumacher  - Navigator       ASN 02065633

Finus A.     Hodges      - R.O.            ASN 38069874
Victor J.    Acampa      - Engineer        ASN 32896248
Lawrence H.  Blum        - Gunner          ASN 38545050
Stanley T.E. Foletta     - Gunner          ASN 39013076
Glen A.      Griffiths   - Gunner          ASN 37358238
Albert J.    Grosel      - Gunner          ASN 36875208

ASNs so-colored for EMs link to their NARA Enlistment Records.

Downloadable Data Sources:
Junk Crew Personnel files

"Carpetbaggers" by Parnell
"They Flew by Night" editor Robert Fish

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