859th BS
Malek Crew

Status: To date (110528) this crew is known only from Special Orders #161 dtd 27Sep44. They were placed on DS to Station 376 (Watton) and as far is as known, never returned to Station 179. As seen on the orders mentioned above, the crew was short one officer, assumed to be the Bombardier.


Richard V. Malek        - Pilot        ASN 0705744
Jacob T.   Schlossman   - Copilot      ASN T-62643
George R.  Creif        - Navigator    ASN T-125516

John J.    Heisler      - R.O.         ASN 12077872
Charles M. Daw          - Engineer     ASN 35060420
Raymond M. Conklin      - Gunner       ASN 12018870
Harvey G.  Freer        - Gunner       ASN 31301323
Ronald R.  Klosterman   - Gunner       ASN 35628067
Walter M.  Wysocki      - Gunner       ASN 31343605 *

* The surname on the NARA card reads "WYSOCKR".

ASNs so-colored for EMs link to their NARA Enlistment Records.

Downloadable Data Sources:
Malek Crew Personnel Files

"Carpetbaggers" by Parnell
"They Flew by Night" editor Robert Fish

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