857th/858th BSs
Moore Crew

The picture above displays only the enlisted members of the crew, in the order shown below. The men are at Walla Walla,WA in October of 1944.

The crew's first appearance at Harrington occurs on 18Dec44 in Special Orders #224, Trained for and flying a number of night bombing missions, they were transferred to the 858th BS during the personnel turmoil of early March 1945 when the 857th was being sent to Bassingbourne. From 21Feb45 to 12May45 they appear 14 times in the Late Period Log.

Nathan L.  Moore          - Pilot         ASN 0830657
John       Jurca          - Copilot       ASN 0833539
Richard D. Johnson        - Navigator     ASN 02070041
Dean H.    Hanchett       - Bombardier    ASN 0783165

William L. McNamara       - Gunner        ASN 35812113
William C. Wolf           - Gunner        ASN 17143165
Gabriel    Di Guiseppe    - Engineer      ASN 33787869
Edward L.  Morrison,Jr.   - R.O.          ASN 35323410
William L. Chappell       - Gunner        ASN 33465262
Fleming S. Fitzgerald     - Gunner        ASN 33542981

Additional crew data sources:
Moore Crew personnel files

Group-Related Downloads:
"Carpetbaggers" by Parnell
"They Flew by Night" editor Robert Fish
Serial Number Index of B24s
Station 179 Operations Log
(handwritten Apr44-Jul45)
Station 179 Operations Log (transcribed Sep44-Jul45)

Available on Request:
"Spies,Supplies & Moonlit Skies Vols 1&2" by Ensminger (On disk $12ea - $10ea via Paypal)

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