856th BS
Overstreet Crew

Status: Very late players,reporting in from the 70th Replacement Depot on 15 June 1945 short of a Bombardier. Data from transcribed from Special Orders #126.

Charles ?.   Overstreet        - Pilot        ASN 04335??
Ralph W.     Schwartsenholzer  - Copilot      ASN 0832253
Wilmer L.    Curry             - Navigator    ASN 08865??

Albert       Ratner            - R.O.         ASN 32973444
Gerald B.    Nord              - Engineer     ASN 16192204
Robert M.    Green             - Gunner       ASN 37511441
Ben A.       Sharpe            - Gunner       ASN 34774226
John J.      Mesarch           - Gunner       ASN 35369559
Alfred E.    Richardson        - Gunner       ASN 13190165

ASNs so-colored for EMs link to their NARA WWII Enlistment Record.

Additional Data Sources:
Overstreet Crew Personnel Files

Available on request:
(all are large files))
Station 179 Operations Log
"Carpetbaggers" by Ben Parnell
"They Flew by Night" by Robert Fish

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