492nd BG
Shannon Crew

The crew were assembled some time in June 1945 as a "Home Run" crew and subsequently were transferred to the 363rd Tactical Group at the (Continental) airfield Y-80. The crew does not appear to have flown at all from Harrington.

Data below transcribed from SO185,1st Air Division,Special Orders #185,dtd 4Jul45.

James P.    Shannon    - Pilot      ASN 02067437
William L.  Seifert    - Copilot    ASN T-65901
Franklyn I. Hasty      - Navigator  ASN T-138307


John R.     Rolston    - Engineer   ASN 36493239
Neil S.W.   Stalker    - R.O.       ASN 11107049
Ernest E.   Bolin      - Gunner     ASN 35762984

EM ASNs so-colored link to their NARA Enlistment Record.

Additional Data Sources:
Shannon Crew Personnel Files

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